A nice day at fort rock, Blackheath. |

This definitely is not my most exciting post I have ever submitted, but to be entirely honest I haven't really done anything worth blogging about. So I'll keep it short and sweet! Since Christmas I have been trying to be a little more disciplined and actually try and do some slightly more "structured" training. Prior to New Year I was spending a bit of time at the Underworld with Benjamin, keen for an awesome line called Hashish(32). It Basically links the crux of two awesome routes into one, via a really cool roof traverse. Pumpy with a technical crux. I was pretty psyched until I injured my knee trying a little too hard on one of the moves, this is not good considering the route has 5 heel toe moves leading up to the crux. In the end there was no question about it, any heel toe position was excruciating. Unfortunately I wont be climbing this route for a while. Quite frustrating, but it will heal and hopefully by then I will be strong enough to climb the route with ease.
This little set back also gave me the opportunity to get back to a route called Mechanical Animals(33) at Boronia Pt. No heel toes in this sucker, so I didn't have any excuses! Despite conditions being rather average, I think I managed some pretty good progress on this line. It took me probably 3 days of work before I could do the crux sequence, and then I overlapped the route on a couple of occasions. It went from feeling totally impossible to very doable, in a short period which is exciting. Since then we have had 3 weeks of crazy weather, pretty well rain on most days.
Rogue Echidna joining the action at Boronia |
Anyway for the past 3 or 4 weeks I have just been training quite a lot at the BBC, and hang boarding at home. It has worked out rather well, because it allows me to work more and train harder. I think a solid block of training over summer is not a bad thing, especially when the conditions are terrible. I really enjoy running at the moment especially in the mountains(when its not raining). I did a lot of cross country running as a kid and then gave it away for probably 8 years. I seem to have forgotten how good running makes me feel, its awesome.
Unfortunately Larger than life is larger than my quickdraw collection! |
This time of year is once again very frustrating. Do I persevere with the bad conditions and risk not getting anywhere on a project....or just cut my loses and train solid for the remainder of summer. I made the mistake last year of throwing myself at routes that were at my limit in 99% humidity and although it was fun, I think a lot of it was a big waste of time and could have been better spent training. I keep on dreaming of rocking up to the cliff on a beautiful cold autumn day with a new level of strength. Crushing that crux that demoralised me last season and sending that project in 3 shots instead of 3 months. I think it is probably this thought alone that drives me to train harder. I Can't wait to climb these routes!!
Jammin with Danny & Ben at Waragil |
That pretty briefly sums up the past month. I look forward to posting some slightly more exciting blogs very soon. This year is going to be awesome! Thanks for reading my blog :-)